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Wolfgang Baur
Wolfgang Baur
Homepage The Free City
Born February 28
Hometown Seattle, WA
Position Contributor

Wolfgang Baur has been a staple in the world of tabletop gaming for over two decades, beginning his career for TSR as assistant editor of Dragon Magazine in the early 1980s. He worked his way to the position of editor of Dragon and had been involved with freelance design and editing for Planescape, Al-Qadim, and almost every other setting of the early- to mid-90s role-playing scene.[1]

In 1995, Wolfgang left TSR, moved from Lake Geneva to Seattle, and began a short-lived career at Wizards of the Coast, where he designed a number of computer, card, and tabletop games, as well as the popular Dark*Matter campaign setting. In 1998, Baur moved away from the corporate gaming world and has since had a successful career as a freelance writer and designer for publishers including Green Ronin Publishing, Malhavoc Press, Paizo Publishing, and Wizards of the Coast.[1]

In 2006, Baur founded Open Design in the spirit of creating a community of gamers, artists, and designers to discuss how to have more fun with adventures and how to write better ones.[2] He continues to write freelance magazine articles, adventures and other gaming content while publishing Kobold Quarterly, an RPG periodical that he created in the summer of 2007.

Due to his experience creating the Al-Qadim campaign setting, Paizo tapped Baur to write the inside-cover text for their Legacy of Fire adventure path in spring 2009. These illuminated pages evoke the 1,001 Arabian Nights and he was given credit for them in the introduction for The Jackal's Price since he received no official credit on any of the books' tables of contents.

Pathfinder credits[]

Title Date Volume (Page)
Bestiary 04"Bestiary" #4 0711November 2007 PF4 (78)
Born of Stone"Born of Stone" 0711November 2007 PF4 (52)
Campaign Setting 0808August 2008 CS
City of Brass"The City of Brass" 0906June 2009 PF23 (54)
Crucible of Chaos 0802February 2008 J3
Fortress of the Stone Giants"Fortress of the Stone Giants" 0711November 2007 PF4 (6)
History of Thassilon"The History of Thassilon" 0708August 2007 PF1 (72)
Kobold"Kobold" 0804April 2008 CMR (28)
Land of Black Blood"The Land of Black Blood" 0901January 2009 PF18 (48)
Seals of Sulesh the Great"The Seals of Sulesh the Great" 0905May 2009 PF22 (48)
Tale and Truths of Genies"Tales and Truths of Genies" 0904April 2009 PF21 (48)
Wishcraft"Wishcraft" 0907July 2009 PF24 (56)
See also: Category:Works by Wolfgang Baur


  1. 1.0 1.1 Pen & (2005). Wolfgang Baur, Pen & Paper RPG Database.
  2. Wolfgang Baur. (2007). About Wolfgang, The Free City.

External links[]
