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Prince Valislav Ordranti
Race/Species Human
Gender Male
Homeland Ustalav
Died 4674 AR

Source: Campaign Setting, pg(s). 140

The former ruler of Ustalav Prince Valislav Irdranti was known to most as the Eunuch Prince. The Eunuch Prince was an unpopular ruler issuing poor decree after poor decree including the decision to move Ustalav's Capital from it traditional home of Ardis to the port city of Caliphas. His death in 4674 AR caused his home country no end of problems, his brother Aduard reluctantly accepted the burden of rule for the Eunuch Prince was believed to have left no heirs. Unfortunately it seems the Eunuch Prince failed to live up to his name with a long time female companion, Millaera Caliphvaso claiming that Valislav had fathered her child Reneis. This situation has caused much turmoil in Ustalav's court and still has yet to resolve itself.[1]

