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Nation Hold of Belkzen
Size City
Population 28,700
Alignment Chaotic evil
Ruler Grask Uldeth

Urgir is the unofficial capital of the Orc-ruled Hold of Belkzen. The nation has no true capital, but being the largest settlment in the savage land provides Urgir with the status of a governmental seat, even if it is not seen as such by all the tribes throughout the land.[1]


Urgir is situated in the south of the Hold of Belkzen, along the central highway in the region, the Flood Road. A mass of stone spires, dwarven monuments, and deep warrens, the multi-layered city is held aloft by giant pillars of stone and iron deep beneath the earth. These supports are subject to a large rust monster infestation, and frequent earthquakes hit the settlement as the columns are devoured by the pests.[2]


Originally built as one of the Sky Citadels by the dwarves upon their emergence on the surface of the world and known as Koldukar, Urgir was conquered by orcs under the rule of the great warlord Belkzen in the Battle of Nine Stones, who renamed the city Urgir, meaning "first home" in his native tongue.[3] Over the years, the masterful stone and metalwork of the cities dwarven builders has been defiled by its current residents, but even despite this defacing, Urgir remains a testament to its creators' talents and vision.[4]


It is difficult for orcs to maintain any stable government, and even in the metropolitan Urgir this is no different. Throughout the years, control of the city has shifted from one powerful warlord to another, and the ruling tribe has shifted more times than most orcs have the intelligence to count. The current ruler is Grask Uldeth, chief of the Empty Hand tribe, who has implemented a new, more accepting way of life. Envious of the human cities in neighboring and distant nations, the city's chief has opened Urgir up to foreign traders and travelers in the hopes of increasing the settlement's status in Golarion as a whole.[1]


The population of Urgir is almost completely comprised of orcs, with fewer but still numerous half-orcs nearly completing the city's demographics. In recent years, since Grask Uldeth opened the city to "pinkskins," a small number of humans, elves, and half-elves can be seen within Urgir's walls, primarily in the more trade-friendly sections of the city. Each of these non-orc inhabitants must carry and display a token from a tribal chief indicating that they have the protection and permission of that tribe to exist within Urgir's limits, and these tokens generally provide safety for the vulnerable minority races. That said, taunting and discrimination are prevalent from the orc natives, and while a pinkskin's safety may be guaranteed, they tend to stick mostly to themselves to avoid mistreatment from their hosts.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Erik Mona et al. (2008). Campaign Setting, p. 64. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
  2. Jay Thompson. (2008). Fear in a Handful of Rust (Pathfinder's Journal). Shadow in the Sky, p. 76. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-115-2
  3. James L. Sutter. (2008). The Hold of Belkzen. Skeletons of Scarwall, p. 63. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-099-5
  4. James L. Sutter. (2008). Pink Like Me (Pathfinder's Journal). Crown of Fangs, p. 78. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-109-1
  5. James L. Sutter. (2008). Pink Like Me (Pathfinder's Journal). Crown of Fangs, p. 77. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-109-1