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The Ulfen (pronounced OOL-fen)[1] are a human ethnicity once feared across all of Avistan for their fierce and merciless winter raiding. This is no longer the case; now the Ulfen people are renowned for their enormous size, prowess as warriors, and their unique smell. Ulfen bodyguards are considered a highly desirable thing around the courts of the Inner Sea.


The Ulfen normally boast physiques larger than the average human with men normally standing no less than six feet. Ulfen have pale skin and their hair is usually either blonde, straw brown, or red and is normally braided by both men and women, although women's braids tend to be more elaborate. Their clothing is tailored for their cold enviroment, with fur being a commonly used material. They decorate their clothes with jewelry made out of horn or ivory and bronze and silver.[2]


The Ulfen people have been renowned for their abilities as raiders. Many people living along the western coast of Avistan boast a little Ulfen blood in them. This spirit is far from gone. In recent years (4704 AR) the Ulfen Linnorm king, White Estrid, even managed to smash through a Cheliaxian blockade at the Arch of Aroden to sail victorious into the harbour of Absalom, displaying the daring Ulfen spirit. [3]

There was a time when all the Ulfen people were part of the same nation, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Fourteen hundred years ago, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings stretched from the west coast of Avistan all the way to the borders of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Within this land lived all the Ulfen people until the coming of Baba Yaga. In 3313 AR, in less than a month her horde of blue-skinned trolls and cold Fey split the Ulfen people between the free Ulfen of the Land of Linnorm Kingdoms and those enslaved within the new kingdom of Irrisen.[4]


Ulfen culture puts a high value on appearance despite the Ulfen reputation for savagery. The Ulfen of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings are sailors, traders, and occasionally raiders whereas the Ulfen of Irrisen are more raiders. The role an Ulfen is expected to fill depends on his or her gender, though the majority of Ulfen are farmers and labourers. Male Ulfen are most likely to become rangers or priests of deities like Torag, Erastil, or Gorum. Most have a sense of adventure as the frozen lands of the North do not generally foster the timid. Women are often druids or priestesses of Desna or Torag. A small number of women also become Wind Sisters, Ulfen maidens who have tamed an aerial mount use it to fly from isolated settlement to isolated settlement. They also form the first line of defence against aerial threats.[2]


Human Ethnicities of Golarion

