Geography of Golarion Although the main focus of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting is undoubtedly the Inner Sea region of Golarion, you can explore any of the other charted continents on this fascinating planet. Dive into the exciting world using the comprehensive collection of articles here.
The Inner Sea Region of Golarion
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AvistanAbsalom | Andoran | Brevoy | Cheliax | Druma | Galt | Hermea | Hold of Belkzen | Irrisen | Isger | Kyonin | Lastwall | Lands of the Linnorm Kings | Mendev | Molthune | Nidal | Nirmathas | Numeria | Qadira | Razmiran | Realm of the Mammoth Lords | The River Kingdoms | Taldor | Ustalav | Varisia | Worldwound GarundAlkenstar | Geb | Jalmeray | Katapesh | Mediogalti Island | Mwangi Expanse | Nex | Osirion | Rahadoum | Sargava | The Shackles | The Sodden Lands | Thuvia Other Continents
Other Continents In addition to the Inner Sea region, other continents on the planet Golarion have been traveled and populated.