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The magical field of necromancy is one of the eight schools of magic recognized on Golarion today. It deals with the manipulation of the essential life force which infuses all living things. Its darker aspect is that of the creation and control of undead creatures.[1] Wizards who specialize in necromantic magic are known as necromancers.[2] Some of the most well-known necromancers the world has ever known were undead creatures themselves, such as the archmage Geb,[3] and the dreaded lich known as the Whispering Tyrant.[4] The goddess Urgathoa is the patron deity of many necromancers, although some also worship the lesser-known demon lord Orcus.[5]

Necromancers in Golarion[]

Although they can be found throughout the world, the arcane schools of the Garundi nation of Geb specialize in the teaching of necromancy.[6]


The Eight Schools of Magic

