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Pathfinder Wiki

This is an alphabetized list of all new monsters appearing in the Pathfinder campaign setting. It includes the creature's name, its type, sub-type, alignment, Challenge Rating (CR), and the print source in which the creature first appeared. All columns are sortable—just click on the arrows in the header row.

This is not a complete listing of all the creatures which can be found on the world of Golarion and the Great Beyond which have appeared in Paizo's publications, only those which are unique to it. They can also found on Archive of Nethy's.




Alignment CR Source (page)
LE 30 PF9 (80)
NE 3 PF38 (80)
LE 3 MMR (9)
LE 7 PF28 (82)
LE 18 PF30 (80)
NE 26 PF24 (76)
ahuizotl Magical beast aquatic NE 6 PF34 (80)
akaruzug Construct LE 14 PF12 (82)
akata Aberration N 1 PF14 (80)
aluum Construct N 10 DM (58)
angazhani Magical beast CE 9 HJ (58)
ankou Fey extraplanar LE 14 PF36 (80)
arcanaton Outsider N 9 J2 (27)
argorth Aberration CE 11 PF3 (86)
asakku Outsider native CE 7 KQ7 (12)
aspidochelone Magical beast aquatic N 17 PF27 (78)
astradaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 13 GB (54)
attic whisperer Undead NE 4 PF1 (92)
avoral Outsider extraplaner, good NG 9 ASL (21)
axiomite Outsider axiomite, extraplanar, lawful LN 8 GB (56)
ayngavhaul Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 12 PD (56)
Azlanti chariot beetle Vermin N 5 D1.5 (14)
banshee Undead incorporeal CE 13 PF17 (80)
Basileus Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 15 PF29 (77)
beatific one Outsider asura LE 9 PF9 (82)
bdellavritra Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 16 PF12 (84)
biloko Fey NE 0.5½ PF38 (82)
black blooded Aberration aquatic CE 1Plus 1 PF18 (82)
Black Echelon operative Undead NE 0.33⅓ or 1 PFS1 (13)
black jinni Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 12 PF23 (82)
blast shadow Undead fire CE 5 PF15 (82)
blodeuwedd Fey CN 6 PF33 (80)
bloodhaze mosquito swarm Vermin swarm N 6 PF38 (84)
bloodless vessel Undead NE 12 E2 (30)
bluetip eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 5 PF37 (78)
bog strider Monstrous humanoid N 2 PF34 (82)
boggard Humanoid boggard CE 2 PF2 (84)
bone idol Construct N 2 PF27 (82)
bonestorm Undead swarm CE 8 PF10 (82)
botfly swarm Vermin swarm N 4 HJ (59)
brass golem Construct N 14 PF24 (84)
brush thylacine Animal N 2 PF31 (86)
buraq Magical beast NG 5 PF20 (80)
calathgar Plant N 4 PF34 (84)
calikang Magical beast LN 12 PF29 (80)
camulatz Magical beast CE 9 PF39 (80)
carbuncle Magical beast N 1 PF31 (76)
carrion golem Construct N 4 PF7 (78)
carrionstorm Undead swarm NE 1 PF2 (83)
caulborn Outsider extraplanar N 7 CS(62)
ceratioidi Monstrous humanoid aquatic N 3 PF32 (80)
cerberi Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 6 PF28 (84)
cerebric fungus Plant N 3 PFS35 (16)
chained spirit Undead incorporeal LE 14 PF11 (78)
charda Monstrous humanoid aquatic CN 7 PF18 (84)
chatterer swarm Outsider chaotic, evil CE 8 D3 (26)
chemosit Magical beast N 4 PF38 (86)
chortov Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 9 PF27 (80)
chupacabra Magical beast N 3 PF19 (78)
cinder wolf Magical beast N 2 PF10 (84)
clawbat Magical beast N 1 PF33 (82)
coeurl Magical beast CN 8 PF22 (78)
cold rider Fey cold CE 8 E1 (27)
common eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 1 PF37 (78)
crag spider Vermin N 8 PF6 (77)
crepitus Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 5 LB1 (30)
croaker Undead incorporeal LE 5 U2 (29)
cutlass spider Construct N 6 PF15 (84)
danse macabre Undead incorporeal NE 14 PF11 (80)
dark ice creature As base cold LE, NE, CE 1Plus 1 E1 (31)
darklands sentinel Magical beast N 2 PF13 (80)
daughter of Urgathoa Undead NE 8 PF8 (82)
deathtrap ooze Ooze N 8 KQ7 (14)
deathweb Undead N 6 PF4 (79)
deep crow Magical beast N 14 PF16 (80)
deimavigga Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 17 PD (54)
delver Aberration earth N 9 MMR (15)
denizen of Leng Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar CE 8 PF6 (78)
derhii Magical beast N 5 J3 (28)
devilfish Magical beast aquatic NE 4 PF7 (80)
dhabba Animal N 1 DM (60)
dimorphodon Animal N 1 PF37 (82)
dire corby Monstrous humanoid NE 1 MMR (21)
disenchanter Magical beast N 3 MMR (27)
doru Outsider div, evil, extraplanar NE 2 PF19 (80)
dream spider Vermin N 0.5½ PF7 (82)
drekavac Undead NE 3 PF32 (78)
dweomercat Magical beast CN 7 PF36 (82)
dweomercat cub Magical beast CN 2 PF36 (82)
ebon acolytus Construct N 7 PF30 (82)
edimmu Undead incorporeal CE 3 PF20 (82)
elk Animal N 1 PF31 (80)
emkrah Aberration CE 9 PF21 (80)
ephialtes kyton Outsider evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful LE 16 PF30 (86)
ercinee Magical beast N 4 PF5 (81)
executioner's hood Aberration N 2 MMR (50)
faceless stalker (Ugothol) Aberration shapechanger CE 4 PF2 (88)
fell flotsam Undead NE 6 W2 (28)
festrog Undead NE 1 D4 (30)
First Blade Outsider chaotic, extraplanar CN 15 PF35 (82)
flail snail Magical beast N 3 MMR (33)
flame drake Dragon fire CE 5 W1 (28)
flesh-eating cockroach swarm Vermin swarm N 2 PF13 (84)
flumph Aberration LG 1 MMR (39)
forest drake Dragon air LE 5 PF15 (86)
forge spurned Undead fire CE 5 D1 (28)
frosty chiseler Fey cold CE 4 E1 (29)
fungal crawler Aberration N 3 PF13 (82)
fungus leshy Plant leshy N 2 PF34 (86)
gaav Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 3 PD (58)
gandareva Dragon aquatic NE 16 PF24 (80)
get of Iblis Aberration aquatic CE 13 PF23 (86)
ghalshoatan Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 9 J4 (30)
ghawwas Outsider aquatic, div, evil, extraplanar NE 10 PF22 (80)
ghonhatine Aberration CE 10 PF16 (84)
ghorazagh Aberration NE 13 PF29 (84)
ghul Undead shapechanger CE 5 DM (62)
giant botfly Vermin N 0.33 HJ (59)
giant fly Vermin N 1 PF8 (84)
giant gecko Animal N 1 PF1 (89)
giant maggot Vermin N 0.5½ PF8 (84)
glass urchin Vermin aquatic N 9 PF37 (84)
goblin dog Animal N 1 PF1 (87)
goblin snake Aberration goblinoid CE 1 PF1 (88)
golden guardian Construct N 6 CGD (29)
granule construct swarm Construct swarm N 6 D2 (29)
graveknight Undead LE 2Plus 2 PF26 (82)
greater gidim Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, lawful LE 15 PF29 (83)
great cyclops Humanoid giant CE 12 PF33 (84)
greater verduous ooze Ooze N 11 PF35 (86)
Grim White Stag Outsider extraplanar, good, lawful LG 15 PF32 (82)
grodair Magical beast aquatic, extraplanar CN 5 PF36 (84)
gug Aberration CE 10 PF11 (82)
guiltgorger giant Humanoid extraplanar, giant NE 8 S1 (30)
gutdragging lurcher Undead CE 3 U2 (30)
half-janni Outsider augmented, human, native Any 2Plus 2 QGE (26-27)
Hand of the Inheritor Outsider angel, extraplanar, good, lawful LG 15 PF26 (84)
hadhayosh Magical beast fire N 18 PF21 (82)
haniver Fey aquatic N 0.5½ PF25 (76)
harridan Magical beast CE 12 PF6 (82)
havero Aberration NE 24 PF10 (86)
Hell gigas Humanoid evil, extraplanar, giant, lawful LE 15 PF30 (84)
hippopotamus Animal N 5 HJ (60)
hoary muntjac Magical beast N 3 W3 (27)
hodag Magical beast N 5 PF32 (84)
hound of Tindalos Outsider NE 7 PF4 (82)
hungerer Magical beast CE 15 PF6 (84)
hunter urchin Vermin aquatic N 1 PF37 (84)
imentesh Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 10 PF22 (84)
intellect devourer Aberration CE 8 ID (50)
irlgaunt Aberration NE 13 PF35 (84)
irnakurse Aberration CE 9 PF16 (86)
jade idol Construct N 4 PF27 (83)
jinkin Fey CE 1 ID (24)
keketar Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 17 GB (60)
kuchrima Magical beast CE 8 PF6 (80)
lamia matriarch Monstrous humanoid shapechanger CE 8 PF2 (92)
lar Outsider good, incorporeal, lawful, native LG 5 PF27 (86)
lava child Monstrous humanoid earth, fire N 3 MMR (45)
Lawgiver Construct extraplanar LN 15 PF8 (86)
lesser gidim Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, lawful LE 6 PF29 (82)
leucrotta Magical beast CE 5 PF17 (82)
leukodaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 9 PF8 (80)
levaloch Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 7 PD (60)
lurker above Aberration N 7 MMR (50)
lurker in light Fey extraplanar NE 5 GB (58)
lyrakien Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 2 PF2 (86)
maftet Monstrous humanoid N 6 PF15 (88)
magaav Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 6 PD (58)
Malbolgian cerberi Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 12 PF28 (84)
mandragora Plant CE 4 PF17 (84)
marsh giant Humanoid giant CE 8 PF5 (82)
mask golem Construct N 4 MLG (30)
megaloceros Animal N 4 PF31 (80)
meladaemon Outsider daemon, evil, extraplanar NE 11 J5 (30)
Menotherian Outsider chaotic, elf, extraplanar, shapechanger CN 15 PF17 (86)
miengu Fey aquatic NG 11 PF22 (82)
mobogo Magical beast boggard CE 10 PF12 (88)
mokele-mbembe Animal N 9 PF39 (84)
monstrous cockroach Vermin N 0.5½ PF13 (84)
moonflower Plant N 8 PF14 (82)
morlock Monstrous humanoid CE 2 ID (54)
mosquito swarm Vermin swarm N 3 W2 (29)
mother of oblivion Outsider aquatic, native CE 15 PF3 (88)
mothman Monstrous humanoid CN 6 PF16 (88)
naunet Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, protean, shapechanger CN 7 PF22 (86)
necropyre Undead incorporeal, fire As base 0Plus 0 E2 (31)
neothelid Aberration LE 15 ID (48)
nephilim Outsider native N 8 PF23 (88)
nightmare bats Outsider evil, extraplanar NE 3 D2 (30)
night monarch Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 15 PF5 (88)
nihiloi Outsider extraplanar CN 11 PF29 (86)
ningyo Monstrous humanoid aquatic NE 1 PF37 (80)
nosferatu Undead augmented LE, NE, CE 2Plus 2 PF8 (88)
nuckelavee Fey aquatic NE 9 PF34 (88)
ochre eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 0.33 PF37 (78)
ogrekin Humanoid giant LE, NE, CE 1Plus 1 PF3 (90)
omox Outsider aquatic, chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 12 PF16 (82)
Osirion mummy Undead augmented LE 1Plus 1 J1 (30)
painted creation Construct N Varies U1 (29)
pairaka Outsider div, evil, extraplanar NE 7 PF20 (84)
peluda Dragon NE 10 PF33 (86)
peryton Magical beast CE 4 PF19 (86)
phistophilus Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 10 PF12 (86)
Prince in Chains Outsider evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 15 PF11 (84)
pugwampi Fey NE 0.5½ PF19 (83)
quetzalcoatlus Animal N 7 PF37 (82)
rajput ambari Undead CE 7 PF9 (84)
rakshasa maharajah Outsider native, shapechanger LE 18 PF9 (86)
raktavarna Outsider native LE 3 PF7 (86)
ravener behemoth Magical beast N 18 PF30 (78)
redcap Fey NE 6 PF4 (80)
red reaver Magical beast N 13 PF10 (88)
reefclaw Aberration aquatic CN 1 PF7 (88)
revenant Undead LE 6 PF2 (90)
rhamphorhynchus Animal N 0.33 PF37 (82)
river elk Animal N 2 PF31 (80)
rorkoun Aberration aquatic NE 6 PF32 (86)
roseblood sprite Fey NE 3 W1 (30)
rot grub Vermin swarm N 7 PF25 (78)
rot grub, giant Vermin N 3 PF25 (78)
royal naga Aberration LN 11 PF27 (88)
rukh Animal N 10 PF21 (84)
rukh, juvenile Animal N 3 PF21 (84)
rune giant Humanoid giant LE 14 PF6 (86)
runeslave Humanoid giant As base 0Plus 0 PF4 (90)
salikotal Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 7 PF26 (80)
sand eel Animal N 5 DM (61)
Sandpoint devil Outsider native NE 8 PF1 (94)
sandwalker Magical beast NE 11 KQ7 (15)
scanderig (forgefiend) Outsider earth LE 10 PF4 (86)
sea-sworn Undead aquatic, augmented NE 0Plus 0 LB2 (30)
sepid Outsider div, evil, extraplanar LE 14 PF23 (84)
serpentfolk Monstrous humanoid NE 4 ID (56)
shadowgarm Aberration extraplanar NE 2 PF25 (80)
simurgh Magical beast NG 18 PF24 (86)
seugathi Aberration CE 6 ID (58)
shadowy lurker Undead incorporeal NE 8 U1 (27)
shaitan Outsider earth, extraplanar LN 7 PF18 (?)
shemhazian Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 14 PF5 (86)
shining child of Thassilon Outsider evil CE 12 PF4 (88)
shir Outsider div, evil, extraplanar NE 10 PF21 (78)
shoggoth Ooze chaotic CN 15 J3 (29)
sikari macaque swarm Animal swarm N 5 PF9 (88)
sinspawn Aberration NE 2 PF1 (90)
siren Magical beast CN 5 PF14 (85)
skaveling Undead CE 5 ID (50)
skrik nettle Magical beast extraplanar N 6 PF36 (86)
skull ripper Construct CN 9 PF3 (84)
slurk Magical beast N 2 D1 (31)
smoke haunt Undead fire CE 4 PF3 (81)
snowdrifter Aberration air, cold CE 4 W3 (28)
son of perdition Outsider chaotic, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal CE 13 D3 (27)
soulbound doll Construct N 2 PF7 (84)
spartolos Undead NE 6 PF28 (88)
spawn of Yog-Sothoth Aberration extraplanar CE 10 CH (28)
spear urchin Vermin aquatic N 4 PF37 (84)
spiny eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 9 PF37 (78)
spitting eurypterid Vermin aquatic N 12 PF37 (78)
sruvara Dragon NE 15 PF24 (80)
stone idol Construct N 3 PF27 (84)
strix Monstrous humanoid N Varies PF25 (82)
stygira Monstrous humanoid LE 7 PF33 (88)
stymphalides, giant Magical beast N 8 PF26 (88)
stymphalides, swarm Magical beast swarm N 6 PF26 (86)
suli Outsider native Any Varies QGE (28-29)
Sunlord Thalachos Outsider angel, extraplanar, good NG 15 PF20 (86)
swamp barracuda Animal aquatic N 2 PF13 (86)
taiga giant Humanoid giant CN 10 PF4 (84)
tatzlwyrm Dragon N 2 PF31 (82)
Thais Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, good CG 15 PF14 (86)
thawn Humanoid giant CE 2 PF31 (84)
thylacine Animal N 0.5½ PF31(86)
tobongo Plant N 12 HJ (61)
tojanida Outsider extraplanar, water N 5 MMR (57)
tongue of rebuke Construct N 9 J2 (28)
tophet Construct N 10 PF21 (86)
torble Vermin N 0.125 PF25 (84)
torble swarm Vermin swarm N 2 PF25 (84)
torthune Outsider N 12 KQ7 (16)
totenmaske Undead NE 7 PF3 (82)
trapper Aberration N 8 MMR (50)
Treerazer, Lord of the Blasted Tarn Outsider demon, native CE 25 PF17 (88)
tribal totem Construct N 6 PF39 (86)
trollhound Magical beast N 3 PF32 (88)
tuyewera Undead CE 4 PF37 (86)
ukobach Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, lawful LE 4 PF25 (86)
umasi Monstrous humanoid CN 4 PF39 (88)
umbral dragon Dragon extraplanar CE Varies PF11 (86)
unchosen gnoll Humanoid gnoll CE 4 PF20 (88)
undead ningyo Undead aquatic NE 1 PF37 (80)
unholy mount Undead cold NE - E1 (28)
uniila Outsider devil, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, lawful LE 10 PF28 (86)
urdefhan Outsider native NE 3 ID (60)
vegepygmy guard Plant N 2 ID (24)
vemerak Aberration CE 14 ID (62)
verduous ooze Ooze N 6 PF35 (86)
vexgit Fey LE 1 PF19 (84)
vouivre Monstrous humanoid aquatic CE 12 PF30 (88)
vrykolakas Undead NE 10 PF29 (88)
vulpinal Outsider agathion, extraplanar, good NG 9 GB (62)
warswarn Undead NE 16 PF35 (88)
wendigo Outsider cold, native CE 17 PF6 (88)
witchfire Undead incorporeal CE 9 PF5 (84)
wings of protection Construct N 8 J2 (29)
witchwyrd Monstrous humanoid LN 6 PF14 (88)
wolf-in-sheep's-clothing Aberration shapechanger N 8 MMR (63)
wood idol Construct N 1 PF27 (84)
wooden protector Plant N 3 TC1 (14)
wyrmskull Undead augmented As base Varies PF22 (88)
xacarba Outsider chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar CE 15 PF18 (88)
Xotani Magical beast fire CE 20 PF24 (88)
yethazmari Outsider chaotic, extraplanar, evil CE 15 PF5 (90)
zahhak Dragon NE 19 PF24 (82)
zhyen Outsider air, earth, fire, or water N 0.5½ QGE (30-31)
zomok Plant extraplanar N 16 PF36 (88)