Pathfinder Wiki
Sphere Outer Sphere
Alignment Chaotic good
Denizens Angels, azata, titans, lillend, Chaotic good outsiders, Chaotic good souls
Description A golden realm of untouched glades, majestic mountains and eternal music

Elysium (pronounced ee-LIZ-ee-uhm)[1] is a plane of the Outer Sphere, which represents the ultimate expression of wild freedom and compassion. It is home to the spirits of like-minded mortals and the wild and freedom-loving azata. It is a place of uninhibited love, art, and expression.[2]


The plane of Elysium is a riot of untouched wilderness, ranging from wild forests to foam-peaked seas to impossibly high mountains, interspersed with hard to reach green valleys. None of the normal trappings of civilization can be found here, the natives preferring to live in small groups and very occasionally gathering for larger meetings. To outsiders, the untamed wilds can seem harsh and uninviting, but the initiated understand its true nature: Elysium is a place promoting selfless cooperation combined with self-sufficiency and the complete lack of external authority.[2]

Places of interest[]

  • Boundless Azure Ocean
  • Cayden Cailean's Domain
  • Court of the Burning Glade
  • Court of Forgiving Wrath
  • Court of the Muse
  • Domain of Calistria
  • Drifting Palace of Teurelia the Heartbroken
  • Embassy of the Angelic Host
  • Field of Broken Tyrants
  • Forest of Wild Apples and Wilder Magic
  • Gorum's Domain
  • Marik's Obelisk
  • Mountain of Lingering Soulsong
  • Painted Forest
  • Realm of Findeladlara
  • Titan Graveyard
  • Wandering City of Emerald Song
  • Wave-Walking Court
  • Yuelral's Domain


Elysium is the domain of the azata, beings of good who spend most of their time traveling about as shimmering balls of light. The most common sub-races of these are the ghaele and bralani, who also take on elfin forms. Slightly less numerous are the artistic lillend, also known as the bards of Elysium.

Hidden among the highest mountaintops, or even in the clouds themselves, live the titans. Although not native to this plane, they have lived there for eons.[2]

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The Great Beyond
Inner Sphere

Material PlaneEthereal PlaneShadow PlanePositive Energy PlaneNegative Energy PlaneElemental Plane of AirElemental Plane of WaterElemental Plane of EarthElemental Plane of Fire

Outer Sphere

Astral PlaneBoneyardHeavenNirvanaElysiumAxisThe MaelstromHellAbaddonThe Abyss


Armageddon EchoCircle BetweenCrypt of the Dying SunDimension of DreamsDimension of TimeDead VaultFellnight RealmFirst WorldFleshwarrenFreehold of the Rogue AngelImmortal AmbulatoryKakishonLengThe LostMachine ArmoryMnemovorePrison of the Laughing FiendRamlock's Hallow
