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Dungeons of Golarion
Dungeons of GolarionTemporary artwork
Publisher's Product Page
Author(s) Paizo Staff
Publisher Paizo Publishing
Price Print: $19.99
PDF: $13.99
Expected May 2011
Type Accessory
Binding Paperback
Pages 64 pages
ISBN ISBN 978-1-60125-304-0
Rules set PFRPG
Series Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Follows Undead Revisited
Precedes Pathfinder Society Field Guide
Artwork from Dungeons of Golarion

This book has been announced but has not yet been released.
Product details such as release date, authors, cover art, and contents are subject to change.

From the deadly heights of Gallowspire to the treacherous depths of the Darklands, Dungeons of Golarion presents a wide-ranging overview of six of the most dangerous delves in the Pathfinder world. With rough maps, adventure hooks, encounter charts, and notes on key enemies and treasures, this guidebook provides the framework for GMs to make these fantastic locations their own. Key sites highlighted in this 64-page volume include Gallowspire, home of the lich-king known as the Whispering Tyrant, Hollow Mountain, seat of a fallen Runelord, the legendary Red Redoubt of Karamoss outside Absalom, and more!

Pathfinder Campaign Setting Supplements

Rise of the Runelords Map FolioHarrow DeckGuide to KorvosaClassic Monsters RevisitedGazetteerGuide to Darkmoon ValeCurse of th Crimson Throne Map FolioCampaign SettingGods and MagicInto the DarklandsGuide to AbsalomSecond Darkness Map FolioDragons RevisitedDark Markets: A Guide to KatapeshThe Great BeyondDungeon Denizens RevisitedLegacy of Fire Map FolioSeekers of SecretsPrinces of DarknessCities of GolarionCity Map FolioClassic Horrors RevisitedGuide to the River KingdomsCouncil of Thieves Map FolioNPC GuideClassic Treasures RevisitedFaction GuideHeart of the JungleCity of StrangersKingmaker Poster Map FolioLords of ChaosMisfit Monsters RedeemedInner Sea Poster Map FolioLost Cities of GolarionSerpent's Skull Poster Map FolioWorld Guide: The Inner SeaRule of FearRival Guide Undead RevisitedDungeons of GolarionPathfinder Society Field Guide
