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Crag Linnorm
Type Dragon
CR 14
Environment Cold hills

Source: Pathfinder Bestiary, pg(s). 190

Like all linnorms, the deadly crag linnorm is a powerful, primeval dragon that menaces the northern wildernesses.


This massive wingless dragon has two powerful forelimbs which it use to assist in locomotion when it slithers. It head resembles that of one of the chromatic dragons with evil eyes, huge jaws and a large set of gnarled horns. Crag linnorms have long, serpentine body that are covered in grey scales and end in three barb-tipped tails. A crag linnorm can reach 60 feet long and weigh nearly 12,000 pounds.[1]

Habitat & Ecology[]

Crag linnorms are denizens of the wild regions far north of where most civilizations fear to tread. They are most common in the the country that bears their name, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. The reason they are so common here is that the land is some how connected with the mysterious First World from which the linnorms originate. Favoured by some primal power of the mysterious fey, any who manage to slay a crag linnorm are forever cursed, making them exceptional vulnerable to any sort of fire or heat. The crag linnorm is among the weakest of its kind, but while it may not be as strong as other linnorms it is still a devastating predator and capable of decimating entire parties of adventurers with it molten magma breath. As if to add to this creatures deadly arsenal it also has a venomous bite that inflict an agonising burning poison on those it poisons.[1]

