Pathfinder Wiki
Type Aberration
CR 5
Environment underground

Source: Pathfinder Bestiary, pg(s). 47

Cloakers look like monstrous manta rays that have long tails that end in a bony whip. Horns beside their heads end in thumb-like claws and are as black as their overside skin. Their underside is pale and it contains a fang-filled mouth and two red eyes. Their wings spread farther than a grown man can reach, and they fly quickly at an average quality.

Cloakers were created by aboleths in order to spy on the aboleths' Azlanti thralls. Loyal Azlanti leaders were rewarded with cloaker bodyguards and assassins.

When the aboleths destroyed Old Azlant, they cast out the cloakers, who fled to the Darklands. Most aquatic cloakers returned to serve the aboleths, but the remainder informally serve the Great Old Ones.

Cloakers in the Darklands are equally distributed between Sekamina and Orv. Cloakers tend to avoid Nar-Voth due to its proximity to the surface and its many humanoid settlements.

Cloakers may have tattoos that resemble Varisian tattoos, but the source of the Cloakers' tattoos is a much different and much older origin.[1]

There are several variant types of cloakers, from amphibious, to assassin, fungoid, halfbreed, priest, shadowbrood stinger, vampire, and webspinner.[2]

