Pathfinder Wiki
James L. Sutter
Born March 1,1984
Hometown Seattle, WA
Position Editor

James Lafond Sutter is Paizo's Fiction Editor as well as one of the RPG developers. In addition to the RPG products listed below, he is also the author of numerous short stories in such venues as Catastrophia (PS Publishing), Apex Magazine, and Black Gate, and the editor of the anthology Before They Were Giants: First Works From Science Fiction Greats. Aside from writing, he has toured modestly with several bands and musical projects, including the now-defunct hardcore metal band Shadow at Morning. For a complete list of his musical, literary, or gaming projects, please visit his website at

Pathfinder credits[]


Title Date Volume (Page)
Belly of the Beast"Belly of the Beast" (Pathfinder's Journal) 0712December 2007 PF5 (74)
Bestiary 32"Bestiary" #32 1004April 2010 PF32 (78)
Campaign Setting 0808August 2008 CS
City of Strangers 1007July 2010 CoS
Death at the Swaddled Otter"Death at the Swaddled Otter" (Prodigal Sons) 1003March 2010 PF31 (68)
End of the Road"End of the Road" (Pathfinder's Journal) 0901January 2009 PF18 (72)
First World"The First World" 1007July 2010 PF36 (64)
Friend in Need"A Friend in Need" (Pathfinder's Journal) 0807July 2008 PF11 (70)
Hand of the Handless"Hand of the Handless" (Pathfinder's Journal) 0710October 2007 PF3 (72)
Hold of Belkzen"The Hold of Belkzen" 0807July 2008 PF11 (58)
Into the Black"Into the Black" 0810October 2008 PF14 (48)
Keeping the Keep"Keeping the Keep" 0710October 2007 PF3 (54)
Legacy of Fire Player's Guide 0903March 2009 LoFPG
Lizardfolk"Lizardfolk" 0804April 2008 CMR (34)
NPC Guide 1003March 2010 NPC
Of Endings and Beginnings"Of Endings and Beginnings" (Pathfinder's Journal) 0801January 2008 PF6 (70)
Pink Like Me"Pink Like Me" (Pathfinder's Journal) 0808August 2008 PF12 (74)
Seekers of Secrets 0910October 2009 SoS
Seven Swords of Sin 0708August 2007 D2
Varisia"Varisia" 0710October 2007 PF3 (60)
See also: Category:Works by Works by James L. Sutter

External links[]


See also: Category:Fiction by James L. Sutter

All items (19)
