Pathfinder Wiki
Pathfinder Wiki

Hiddn.haydn Hiddn.haydn 17 February 2022

Is there a Spanish Pathfinder wiki?

If anyone knows, please let me know to start translating content.

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Naib of the Abyss Naib of the Abyss 6 August 2021

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Just letting you all know that you can now pre order the game Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I played the beta and the game has my complete support. I really recommend it.

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Tephra Tephra 4 July 2019

Fandom Discord

Hey everyone, there is now an official Discord server for Fandom/Gamepedia!

This is an additional point of contact for Fandom staff and other editors who you can ask for assistance with editing or other wiki-related subjects.

In order to join, you must do the following:

  1. Have a Discord account set up ahead of time
  2. Add your Discord user ID into your Fandom profile masthead
  3. Join at
  4. Follow the #verification process on the server

This server is for registered editors, admins, Wiki Team, and Staff. Users without registered accounts on Fandom or Gamepedia are not allowed here.

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Tephra Tephra 11 May 2019

New Wiki Manager

Hi! My name is Tephra, and I'm the Fandom Wiki Manager for the Pathfinder Wiki. I am here to help the community and be a liaison to full-time Fandom staff. If you ever have a question or issue relating to the wiki, editing, etc., please contact me on my talk page.

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TheThroneWarden TheThroneWarden 16 December 2017

Do the books need to be read in order?

So, I have a question: do the Pathfinder Tales need to be read in order?  I've just gotten Stalking the Beast​ and Beyond the Pool of Stars​ from the library, and then I looked up the Pathfinder Tales, and realized that I'd gotten books 17 and 29.  Does it matter that I'm going to read them out of order?

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Nomad27 Nomad27 23 March 2016

Name of that Monster

Does anyone remember the name of a monster in pathfinder. It belonged in one of the outside planes. I glanced at it briefly through the rulebooks. It was humaniod, glowing and a head that levitates over its shoulder. It was a lawfullly or neutrally good creature. 

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Skelo10 Skelo10 16 March 2015

What to do?

Hello everybody on this Gigantic wikia, I am soon going to start a Pathfinder group with a few of my friends, I will be, but there are 2 major problems. I do not know of any good Campaigns, and 2, I don't really know where to start. none of my friends have plated before, nor have I, and I don't know too well on how the gameplay works. Any help? Thanks!

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Thegmoat Thegmoat 16 April 2014

A New Day...the Start of an Adventure.

KorPeMorCor is a world based around a citystate that I built back in 2006. It was from a game my friend Spencer ran, where we found an old pyramid that had the Sword of Kas in it. (Kas was Vecna's general whom took his eye and hand in a battle that left Kas on the run from the dark lord.)  We built a city around the pyramid and named it after our gods. KorPeMorCor flourished in Spencer's game and brought in an age of prosperity. That was then, the good 'ol days of 3.5, before the dark ages. (4E!!!!)

I kept all my paperwork on the write up's of KorPeMorCor, since it was the first city I ever designed. It was my baby and I feel in love. KorPe was more than just a side project for me, it was a world I started creating, and I didn't even realiz…

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Thegmoat Thegmoat 15 April 2014

Pathfinder Problems...there really isn't any.

Hello everyone!

The Gmoat here, writing finally about this amazing system I have been running my world in for the past 5 months. It's amazing how fast time has flew as my party travels through my mix world; KorPeMorCor. (Yes, my world is named after the old Gods in 3.5...can you name them?) So, for months we have been playing this system and my complaints are as follows: no mindflayers. Okay, that's it! Isn't it amazing to have a fantasy rules system that is just about perfect. Sure, I tweek some things as any good GM should do, but for the most part, it's amazing. 

I loved 3.5. It was the system that caught me, hook, line, sinker. But when the powers that be at Wizards decided to take the gimmick (Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords) an…

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JackButler JackButler 30 October 2010

Deja Vu All Over Again. A Personal Observation

As anyone who has ever worked in the field of creative fiction (of any sort... books, films, television, and even roleplaying games) can tell you, it is almost impossible to come up with a completely and totally original idea. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. As the folks at that time-sink of a wiki TV Tropes will tell you, old ideas are useful because they are recognizable. You don't have to explain every step of the Hero's Journey because people have seen it so many times that they feel comfortable with it.

The reason I bring this up is because I'm relatively new to Pathfinder, and especially new to Golarion. I have no intention of ever using the setting, as I have a well-rounded, deep, and exciting homebrew gameworld of my own tha…

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Cpt kirstov Cpt kirstov 20 October 2010

Pathfinder wiki mentioned on ReaperTV youtube Channel

While listening/watching the reviews of the pathfinder minis on the ReaperTV youtube channel I was pleased to hear the narrator mention the wiki Link is Here and the plug happens about 4:50 into the video talking about Pugwampi minis/article!

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 15 October 2010

PathfinderWiki shoutout

Fans of gaming-themed webcomic are probably no stranger to Mortellan's wonderful World of Greyhawk. And Mortellan's apparently no stranger to Golariopedia either! Check out the shoutout in his most recent Greyhawk/Golarion crossover (in which the deities of Greyhawk play a Golarion gods in their home campaign): link!

Yes, Wee-Jas would indeed be proud.

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TheEldritchMrShiny TheEldritchMrShiny 7 October 2010

Keep an eye out for misspelled links

Food for thought: I've been noticing a lot of red links that should be active, but aren't because the text in the link is misspelled. Just today, I fixed links for the "Zevgavizeb" and "Irnakurse" pages. I know that some of the spellings in the Pathfinder universe are a little crazy (especially when dealing with demon lords), but it you're even the least bit unsure of spelling, TRIPLE-CHECK IT.

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 6 October 2010

Big Changes to the Wiki!

As you have probably noticed, Pathfinder Wiki looks quite a bit different from the last time you logged on here. This is because Wikia, who hosts our site, has decided to "upgrade" the look and functionality of all of its wikis across the board. This means that you may see some strange formatting issues for the next few weeks as we hammer things out. Please excuse the mess and continue enjoying access to the largest collection of Pathfinder Campaign Setting lore in the universe!

--The Editors
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TheEldritchMrShiny TheEldritchMrShiny 6 October 2010

Artwork on the PF Wiki

I've been told that the only artwork that falls directly under the Paizo Community Use Policy is the stuff featured on the Paizo blog. I'm alright with that--I like the guys at Paizo a lot, and I trust their judgment, along with the judgment of the Pathfinder Wiki administrators. I was just wondering, for anyone who bothers to read this blog, how easy or difficult it would be to get amateur artists to do illustrations for the wiki. I know Hugo Solis did all the holy symbols for the PF core deities, and I contributed some of my Wayfinder artwork to a couple of pages. Also, we need people looking around Wikimedia for relevant images.

If you're reading this: thoughts?

TheEldritchMrShiny 05:43, October 6, 2010 (UTC)

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Heaven's Agent Heaven's Agent 23 September 2010

Organized Play and Wikia

I recently starting participating in Pathfinder Society (PFS) organized play, via online tables organized though the Pathfinder Society online collective. For those unfamiliar with the collective, it is a Google Group designed specifically to facilitate and organize online Society play. It has allowed us to share character information and chronicles with one another as needed, allowing us to participate officially in the PFS.

Yesterday, however, Google made an announcement that page and file functionality will soon be cut from Google Groups. It poses a unique difficulty for those of us using the site to play electronically, as the page and file features are the primary method of communicating character information. As a result, we have begu…

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 23 September 2010

The Spell Index needs your help!

Looking for something simple to write about? The Spell Index needs your help!

As some of you may know, the Monster index is one of the most popular pages on this site. I thought it might be equally useful to create a Spell index, listing all the spells unique to the Pathfinder Campaign Setting. I am almost finished creating separate tables for each of the spellcasting classes, but I need your help.

If you click on the links below (which are part of my "Sandbox", as I don't want the general public to access them in their current state), you'll notice that most of them are populated by red links; that doesn't look good. I would greatly appreciate any help turning these red links blue. All that is required is to use the


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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 17 September 2010

Instructional video

Hi folks,

I've been playing around with a great little freeware program called Jing by TechSmith, that allows you to make short screencapture videos which you can narrate yourself. My first thought is that this would allow me to make short instructional videos about how to edit our wiki. The videos themselves I would upload to Youtube, so we wouldn't take up any more bandwidth here. Each would be pretty short (under 2 mins), but I guess could be lengthened if I am talking about larger topics. Here are some preliminary ideas for videos:

  • How to create an article about a person.
  • How to create an article about a city.
  • How to create an article about an organization.
  • Interesting options in your Preferences menu.
  • How to create a forum post

So do fol…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 7 August 2010

Thanks for the recognition and for all your help

I wanted to take the opportunity to deliver the thanks I would have had we won an award tonight. While the recognition of being nominated is more than we could have ever asked for, not winning doesn't change the recognition that is deserved by everyone who has made the Wiki's success possible.

First, thanks to Paizo for creating a system that has inspired so many of us to a level that we have dedicated our free time to making this resource and for being so open with their content for fan-generated, non-commercial projects such as this.

I'd also like to thank fellow Chroniclers, Admins, and members of the greater Paizo community. This isn't just recognition of the most active users, but of everyone who has or will contribute to the site in th…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 7 August 2010

Pathfinder sweeps the ENnies

Unsurprising to many, Paizo swept the ENnie Awards this year, with 13 wins including Best Game, Best Adventure, Product of the Year, and Best Publisher!

The following Pathfinder products took home awards (all gold except noted with an asterisk).

  • Pathfinder RPG Bestiary: Best Cover Art, Best Monster or Adversary
  • Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook: Best Interior Art, Best Game, Best Production Values, Product of the Year
  • Stolen Land: Best Adventure
  • Shipyard Rats: Best Electronic Book*
  • Classic Horrors Revisited: Best Monster or Adversary
  • City Map Folio: Best Cartography
  • Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Best Free Product
  • GM Screen: Best Aid or Accessory

In addition to Paizo's success, fan rules site took home a silver for Best Website. Congrats …

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 6 August 2010

Wiki Admins Interviewed in Know Direction Podcast

Mark Moreland (User:Yoda8myhead) Alex Greenshields (User:Brandingopportunity), were recently interviewed about the Pathfinder Wiki! (Know Direction Podcast #13) Listen to them stammering on about the wiki for way to long. Many thanks to Ryan Costello and the Know Direction crew for including us in their broadcast.

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 3 August 2010

2011 Products Announced

On the eve of GenCon 2010, Paizo has announced their product lineup through June 2011 including the eighth Pathfinder Adventure Path, two new Pathfinder Tales novels, and another Pathfinder Roleplaying Game hardcover rulebook.

In the flagship Pathfinder Adventure Path line, the Carrion Crown adventure path will take PCs from 1st to 15th level as they traverse the gothic horror setting of Ustalav. Authors include Michael Kortes, Richard Pett, Tim Hitchcock, Greg A. Vaughan, Neil Spicer, and Jason Bulmahn. Paizo Managing Editor F. Wesley Schneider will contribute six chapters of fiction as part of the Pathfinder's Journal. Iconic horrors PCs will face as they follow the AP include vampires, werewolves, liches, Lovecraftian terrors from beyond…

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 20 July 2010

Last Day on the East Coast

Greetings True Believers,

As some of you (well, maybe only Yoda) may know, I am moving to the West Coast, specifically to the town of Portland, OR. Today is my last day in NYC (sniff) and it will be a busy one. I just wanted to say a quick farewell to all of you, as I most-likely won't be logging in for the next few weeks. I don't have a laptop and the movers are transporting my desktop, so there's a good chance I won't be able to contribute substantially wiki-wise until at least the middle of August. By then the ENnies will be decided, so good luck to the wiki and to all of you! Don't forget to vote! See you soon from the Left Coast.

BrOp (Alex)

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 9 July 2010

14 ENnie nominations for Paizo!

2010 ENnie Award nominations were announced today, including 14 for Paizo! Without further ado, Pathfinder nominees are:

  • Pathfinder RPG Bestiary: Best Cover Art, Best Monster or Adversary
  • Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook: Best Interior Art, Best Game, Best Production Values, Product of the Year
  • Stolen Land: Best Adventure
  • Shipyard Rats: Best Electronic Book
  • Classic Horrors Revisited: Best Monster or Adversary
  • City Map Folio: Best Cartography
  • Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Best Free Product
  • GM Screen: Best Aid or Accessory
  • Campaign Coins: Best Aid or Accessory

Paizo is also among the nominees for Best Publisher, an award they took home two years ago!

Also worth mentioning are several nominations for unofficial sites and products supporting Paizo and thei…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 9 July 2010

PathfinderWiki receives ENnie nomination!

First and foremost, thanks to all Chroniclers for all your hard work. Golariopedia wouldn't be a shadow of the resource it is now without the contributions of dozens of active editors. Give yourselves a huge mug of Cayden's best brew and have a friend pat you on the back.

So now everyone's asking, "how can we make sure we win?"

Well, we can keep improving the site every day. Make edits, create articles, and participate in ongoing discussions in the forum and blogs. Spread the word about the site on your personal blogs, websites, messageboards, twitter, facebook, myspace, friendster, etc. Get more people using it, and we get more people editing it.

And lastly, VOTE! Public voting begins on July 16 and runs through July 25. The winners will be an…

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 4 July 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July weekend to all the Pathfinder Wikifyers out there in Americaland. Hope everyone gets the chance to soak in some sunshine and enjoy the fireworks. I'm in MD with my family, before heading home for a lightning-fast packing job, followed by an end-of-July move to Portland, OR! Yes, I am leaving the East Coast after living here for the last 22 years. I can still barely believe it.

Thanks for all your input, lately, Amethal2 and Goblin Witchlord. It's nice to have you back Remember, every little bit counts! --brandingopportunity 04:57, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 29 June 2010

Our own Yoda featured on the Paizo blog!

Our own admin Yoda8myhead (aka Mark Moreland) recently spent a week working at Paizo. Yesterday, they dedicated an entry of the Paizo blog to him. Take a look to find out what he's been up to, and congrats! link

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 9 June 2010

I'm Working for Paizo (and I need YOUR help!)

I've been given the ok by the esteemed Erik Mona to discuss publicly my upcoming stint as temporary employee of Paizo Publishing. I was asked to extend my trip to Seattle, where I was already planning on going to attend PaizoCon, to spend a week in the office adding locations to the giant poster map of the Inner Sea region that will appear in the Inner Sea Poster Map Folio later this year. The plan is to go through every Pathfinder product and make sure that every named location (even ones without descriptions) are included in the map with a tag. And that's a ton of work!

So, fellow canon-fiends, here's where you come in! What are the most obscure named locations you have come across in your ongoing chronicling? Vyre immediately sprang to mi…

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DaveGross DaveGross 8 June 2010

How the Pathfinder Wiki Helped Me Write Prince of Wolves

I missed out on the first year or so of the Pathfinder Adventure Path because it began during a board and video game phase. Then a few local friends showed me copies of Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne. The gorgeous art and design struck me at once, but then I skimmed the adventure summaries, and I was hooked. I picked up the Campaign Setting and put in a standing order for the Adventure Path at my friendly local game store.

By the time James Sutter asked me to pitch story ideas for the Council of Thieves Adventure Path, I had a broad but fairly shallow knowledge of Golarion. To aid my studies, the Paizonians gave me access to .pdf versions of all their published material. The sheer volume of information threatened to sm…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 8 June 2010

Free sample chapter of Prince of Wolves now available

Just like the title says, you can now get a sample chapter of Paizo's forthcoming debut Pathfinder Tales novel, Prince of Wolves by Dave Gross, on their daily blog! (here) I'm not reading it, for fear of spoiling some of the experience of delving into the pages of the first official Pathfinder novel in August, but I am incredibly excited by the simple title of the chapter, "Dance of the Sczarni." Varian Jeggare, Radovan, sczarni? All before chapter three? Sign me up!

And here I thought the announcement and release of the Pathfinder Tales web fiction was more Pathfinder fiction goodness than I could reasonably handle in one week! Perhaps I should say, "I'm so excited about the forthcoming Serpent's Skull adventure path. I simply couldn't handle…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 24 May 2010

Upcoming features

I wanted to draw the attention of new and experienced Chroniclers to some new features wikia has added to the site. I don't see us utilizing all of them, or even most of them, but some my have some potential for growing the community and making it easier to edit.

Ad-free wikis: I already mentioned this one in a forum post, but thought I'd bring it up here, too. Funding the removal of ads from the page is more than I can handle, and I wouldn't expect a general member of the site to do so either, so we should use the forum to brainstorm ways of paying for that. I'd love to see the project go ad-free if we can manage it.

Achievements: Brandingopportunity has been trying to come up with ways of getting people involved in editing for a while, and …

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 20 May 2010

Advanced Player's Guide cover revealed!

After much anticipation, Paizo today revealed the final cover art for the Advanced Player's Guide by fan-favorite artist Wayne Reynolds. Just like the cover of this year's Free RPG Day product, Master of the Fallen Fortress, provided the first glimpse at the final look of the iconic oracle and cavalier, this image exhibits the first glimpse of two more iconics—the alchemist and witch. We'll be sure to announce the introduction of each of the iconics when their names and backstories are revealed, but until then, check out the ad in the back of The Darkest Vengeance, which displays all the final artwork for the "class of 2010".

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 14 May 2010

Tag-team wikifying

Since my "King of Absalom" idea hasn't gone very far (see previous blog post), I have another idea: tag teaming.

I've found that having someone else working on the same topic really helps motivate me. Topics can sometimes be confusing, or there can be contradictions in the timeline, and having someone else to bounce ideas and problems off of really can help. Edits are also made easier, as you know that the other person knows a particular topic just as well.

So would anyone like to tag team? I'd let you pick the topic. I'm happy to work on anything, as I have pretty much everything Paizo has published. Favorite topics of mine include: the Darklands, the Great Beyond, and monsters.

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 13 April 2010

King of Magnimar/Absalom/Oppara?

Here's an idea that I've been playing with a bit. It first came to me when I realized a while back that User:Cheddar bearer was making a lot of updates for the city of Magnimar.

My idea is similar to the "Adopt a Highway" program that the USDOT seems to have had some success with. It also bears some similarities to the online phenomenon of foursquare (, in which frequent visitors to actual real world locations are declared the "mayor".

What if the more active editors on the wiki adopt, or become the WikiRulers of a particular city or location? It wouldn't have to mean much, other than that user is interested in making additions and edits with things having to do with that city or place. He or she could also be the p…

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Aeakett Aeakett 12 April 2010

Thank you

I just wanted to thank everyone for their efforts in making the Anniversary Editing Contest a success. The contest was the brainchild of Brandingopportunity and Yoda8myhead (my understanding is that they conspired about it one day over coffee). Cpt kirstov quickly volunteered a very generous prize of a set of miniatures to recreate the scene on the front of the Core Rulebook. Yoda8myhead also managed to wrangle a trio of gift certificates from the good folks at Paizo. A group of us went back and forth on the format, judging criteria and timing for the contest, going so far as to consult with Wikia staff about their experiences with contests.

Finally the day came, and the edits began to trickle in. As the month wore on contributions began to c…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 22 March 2010

RPG Superstar voting ends today!

As you may be aware, the third annual RPG Superstar contest wraps up today, when polls close at 2pm PDT. Make sure to get your vote in before it's too late to help decide which of the final four contestants will be named RPG Superstar and have their adventure proposal written, developed, and published as part of the Pathfinder Modules line from Paizo Publishing. The contest's winner will be announced on tomorrow at 2pm PDT.

In case you were wondering I voted for Matt Goodall's Cult of the Ebon Destroyers. Who are you voting for?

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 14 March 2010


This week has been awesome here on PathfinderWiki!

Monday was the project's 2nd anniversary, and we've got lots of great news to celebrate. First, our month-long Anniversary edit giveaway began at the start of the week and will run through the 8th of April. For every ten edits registered users make to the wiki, they receive one chance to win one of several great prizes including a set of custom-painted Pathfinder minis from Reaper and up to $50 in credit! Edits can be as simple as adding a category or fixing typos and grammatical errors, or as complex as organizing long articles on detailed subjects throughout the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting; it's up to you how much you can or want to do and all of it is appreciated.

To spre…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 5 March 2010

Todd Stewart's "Wayward Children of the Abyss" on

Pathfinder planar expert Todd Stewart is currently featured in a weekly series of articles using some cut material from an upcoming project he worked on, which is being published for free on Kobold Quarterly's website. In the first two installments, he has detailed the ecology of Golarion's peacock spawn, strange lawful outsiders with ties to the mysterious Peacock Spirit. My understanding is that this material is as canon as any other KQ Pathfinder Chronicles licensed material, so I wanted to point it out to the community. Check it out part 1 and part 2 now, and look for the addition of the next three parts in the coming weeks.

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Aeakett Aeakett 5 March 2010

Remove the red-link dialogue.

Some time in the last week or so, it seems that Wikia made a change that I personally find quite annoying. Every time you click a red link, you now get a dialogue box asking if you want to create a blank page or start from a template. Unfortunaltly, there doens't seem to be a way to turn it off in the preferences. Well, thanks to Grunny over on the Wikia help forum we now have a solution. Just paste the following into your monaco.js and you'll creating new pages without interruption in no time flat.

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 5 March 2010

Poll: Who's Your Favorite Iconic

Let's try a poll, shall we? What better to kick it off than the tried-and-true "favorite iconic" query?

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Aeakett Aeakett 19 February 2010

Announcing the grand opening of Brigh's Workshop!

Making citation templates can be a real pain, especially the more complicated ones that we use for the adventure path books. To that end I've made up a couple of tools to generate them in a more friendly manner.

For simple templates, go here.
For complex templates, go here.

It's a pretty good bet that there are some bugs, especially in the complex one. If you find a problem, please let me know, and I'll try to fix it. Also, with any luck I'll come up with some more do-dads to make our lives easier over time. If you have any suggestions feel free to bring them up. I can't promise anything, but we can certainly talk your ideas over.

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 14 February 2010

3K in 2 Years?

Last night, when our article count went above 2,800 while I was putting up new products, I realized that the wiki's birthday is coming up on March 9. Who thinks we can get an article count of 3,000 or more by the two year mark? Anyone?

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 13 February 2010

Have you seen Wayfinder volume 2 yet?

Released last week, the second volume of the Pathfinder fanzine known as Wayfinder is absolutely stunning. While none of the content within it is considered canon for the purposes of this project, it's nevertheless a fun and exciting resource for any Pathfinder player or GM. Also, it's free! My favorite part of volume #2 is Zonzon (pg 19), the Zon-Kuthon dolls traditionally used to carry Shelyn's love and blessings to her twisted and evil brother. What's your favorite article or piece of art from Wayfinder #2? And what do you plan to put in #3?

Be sure to look at the Golariopedia ad on page 67.

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 13 February 2010

Paizo announces revised Campaign Setting, novels line

As promised, Paizo today announced its upcoming products from September 2010 through the end of the year. The most notable among these new books are a revised and expanded version of 2008's Campaign Setting and a line of novels set in Golarion helmed by two of the biggest names in game fiction.

The Pathfinder Fiction line will launch in September with Elaine Cunningham's Winter Witch, set in the frigid and treacherous nation of Irrisen. The following month, Dave Gross will follow up his Hell's Pawns novella with the second novel in the the line, Prince of Wolves. In his announcement post on the Paizo messageboards, Technical Director Vic Wertz also announced plans for a later novel by fan-favorite Paul S. Kemp.

In the flagship Pathfinder Adventure P…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 11 February 2010

Dave Gross to Write Pathfinder Novel

A special surprise lurks in the pages of The Twice-Damned Prince, which began shipping to Pathfinder Adventure Path subscribers today. While anticipation has been high for quite some time regarding the announcement of the impending Pathfinder Fiction line, few would have suspected that the big reveal would come in a sidebar in the pages of Dave Gross's serialized novella Hell's Pawns.

At the moment, all we know is that one of the first books in the novels line will be Gross's sequel to Hell's Pawns entitled Prince of Wolves, in which Radovan leaves Egorian behind and heads into the mist-shrouded land of Ustalav. The book hasn't been formally announced, so we don't have a cover image, page count, or release date to report, but rest assured that w…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 5 February 2010

Ways to Use a Wiki

As I've mentioned a few places, last month I had a wonderful conversation with Brandingopportunity over coffee, and one of the topics we discussed were how people use wikis. We determined that there are two methods of utilizing mediawiki tools, and I thought I'd address both of these and how we can work to cover both of these here on PathfinderWiki.

One of the most common uses of Wikipedia, for example, is for random trivia. How many times have you been talking about some obscure song, television character, or ancient philosopher and wanted to look up a specific piece of information about them? In most cases, I'd guess you did a simple google search or even a search from within Wikipedia and found that random fact directly.

The Pathfinder Ch…

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Yoda8myhead Yoda8myhead 1 February 2010

Voting on RPG Superstar round 2 ends today!

Voting ends today, February 1, at 2:00pm Pacific time, so be sure to vote on your four top choices for RPG Superstar 2010! 32 contestants have submitted monster concepts, and it's up to the Paizo community to select the best ones. The Top 16 and their next challenge will be announced at 2:00 PST tomorrow afternoon, so be sure to check RPG Superstar before voting ends and again tomorrow to see if your favorite contestant made it to the next round. The winner of the competition gets a contract to write a Pathfinder Module based on their winning adventure proposal, and many of the past two years' contestants have gone on to write numerous adventures, monsters, and setting books for Paizo outside the competition, so make your opinions known. I…

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Brandingopportunity Brandingopportunity 25 January 2010

Template changes

I modified all the list templates (those found at the bottom of articles, linking to related articles) to be a full 100% of the width of the display. Yoda had mentioned that if the templates are set for smaller percentages, they may not display correctly when someone is using a low resolution screen or a small browser window. Set at 100%, we know that it will always be the largest size possible. This is also done in Wikipedia.

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Cpt kirstov Cpt kirstov 25 January 2010

The various methods to write articles

have seen a few different ways to write articles being portrayed by various chroniclers.

1. Take the book, and enter the test in that one book for all possible articles. This allows for someone to write many articles in a sort amount of time. Some of these articles, though, may not have information from all of the available resources, if others are available. On the other hand, this method better allows the chronicler to edit previously made articles with the information held in the book in their hands (or on their screens).

2. Take a list of articles that you would like to write about, and use the search function of Adobe Reader (Edit > Search) to find all of the books that have data on the article at hand. This means that articles may have…

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Icfasntw Icfasntw 27 December 2009


All of my contributions to this wiki occupy the "editing" sphere. I don't generate content, I read through existing content and tweak it. I'm okay with this.

A problem, however, has manifested. Being what you call a "nub," I lack access to sources (like the Bestiary, the Rulebook, &c). This explains my non-contributory activities; I don't have official materials and mistrust anything I find on the tubes. Without sources, however, I don't always know what information on the pages I edit comes from which sources. So, sometimes, I mess up source citations in the editing process.

References remain on the pages I edit; I attach citations to the sentences of mine that look the most like the sentences they originally supported. And a reader still k…

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